
The Mountwest JumpStart Program provides a variety of dual credit options for high school students in public school, private school, or home school programs. Students must choose a pathway where classes count towards high school credit. Majority of the classes are offered during the typical school day and county transportation is available for select counties. The program is offered at no cost for students that live in West Virginia and is offered at a reduced rate for out of state students.

Jumpstart Open House

Join us to learn more about the JumpStart program. This event is open to ninth, tenth, and eleventh-graders, parents, and educators.

  • Thursday, February 27, 2024 / 5:30pm
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025 / 5:30pm

Benefits of the Program

  • · JumpStart offers a unique college experience at Mountwest for public, private, and homeschool students.

  •  Students can earn their high school and college credits simultaneously.

  • Students can earn up to 24 credit hours (an entire year of college).

  • Students will take courses that transfer to other colleges and universities.

  • Students have free access to tutoring services.

  • Textbooks are provided.

  • Transportation is provided from local high schools. 

  • JumpStart gives students a jump start on their career goals.


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Interested in Nursing? Join the Healthcare Professions JumpStart program and check out the St. Mary’s Nursing Pathway!

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Mountwest JumpStart Program provides a variety of dual credit options for high school students in public school, private school, or home school programs.

After applications are accepted and all necessary admission items are provided, students will receive an acceptance letter from Mountwest via mail.

A student’s classes are determined based on their chosen pathway and the credits required by the high school/home school program. The JumpStart Academic Advisor uses the student’s transcript, input from the student’s counselor, and the chosen pathway to determine a student’s schedule.

SAT/ACT scores are not required to be part of JumpStart. However, students are advised to send their test scores to Mountwest to assist with academic advising. To learn how to submit your test scores, please visit: https://www.mctc.edu/admissions/.

Yes. Mountwest follows the guidelines set out by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. Please see the JumpStart Academic Advisor to see how your credits count at Mountwest.

Students enrolled in JumpStart are required to attend orientation before the start of the academic semester. Students will receive their schedules, Mountwest login information, student identification card, and necessary information.

Mountwest faculty report weekly attendance. JumpStart faculty also report attendance concerns to the JumpStart Coordinator. Any attendance or performance concerns are reported to the student’s counselor/home school coordinator.

JumpStart students do not purchase their own textbooks. The JumpStart Coordinator will notify students when their textbooks have arrived.

Mountwest Community & Technical College provides an assortment of assistance to promote student success. Mountwest has a robust tutoring service, with services including the Math & Science Tutoring Center, the Writing Center, the Speech Lab, and Academic Resources (the college’s library). Students who begin falling behind are referred for tutoring assistance. Additionally, JumpStart faculty report student progress to the JumpStart Coordinator, and the Coordinator reports back to the students’ high school counselor/home school coordinator with any concerns.

Students must follow Mountwest’s Academic Calendar for all drop dates. Any dropped course must be approved by the student’s high school counselor/home school coordinator as well as the JumpStart team.

Students who plan to transfer to another institution must be aware of the specific program requirements at the receiving institution. The JumpStart Academic Advisor often helps in this process, but it is the responsibility of the student to contact the receiving institution to ask about coursework transferability.

All courses completed and/or dropped by a student remain on their permanent educational record. Upon applying to another institution and/or financial aid, students are required to provide transcripts from all previous institutions. Low grades may result in academic probation and/or financial aid appeals at the receiving institution.

A prerequisite is an academic requirement that must be satisfied before or during enrollment in a specific course. Prerequisites might include other courses, a minimum GPA, or a specific SAT/ACT score.

These specific courses are included to ensure all students have a solid foundation and that the educational needs of all students are met.

The WV CORE Transfer Agreement ensures that students who transfer from an in-state, public college or university to another in-state public institution receive credit for specified general studies courses at the receiving institution. Many of the JumpStart courses are included in this agreement.

To read the full agreement and see a list of the CORE courses, please visit: https://www.mctc.edu/academics/transfer-to-a-university/

Students can change pathways after their first semester. This decision must be made under the advisement of the JumpStart Academic Advisor.

Every pathway has its own specific curriculum and sequence. This sequence is a list of courses required for that pathway. Each pathway is unique. Students who change degree programs after completing a different JumpStart pathway may find they have taken courses that do not apply to the new major.


Accessibility Services Office (located within Student Services) coordinates accommodations for qualified students with disabilities as they pursue their educational goals at Mountwest. This office acts as liaison between students with disabilities and faculty.

Students must declare and provide appropriate documentation of their disability to this office in order to receive services.

For further information, please visit the Accessibility Services webpage: https://www.mctc.edu/student-services/advising-services/accessibility-services/

Ready to get started with Jumpstart? Please fill out the application below.

Student Information

Date of Birth(Required)
Permanent Address (this address will be used for all official College correspondence)(Required)
Gender (Select One Choice Only)(Required)
The following required information is requested to meet state and federal guidelines but will not be used in the admissions process: Are you Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)?
Additionally, please select one or more races from the following five racial groups
Are you a first generation student?(Required)
First generation means you are the first in your family to attend college.
Emergency Contact(Required)
How do you prefer to be contacted?(Required)

Admission Information

Semester you plan to begin:(Required)

Academic Information

Graduation Date(Required)
Jumpstart Pathway you wish to attend(Required)

Memorandum of Understanding

This section is to be completed by the student and student's parent or legal guardian. Completion of this section without parent signature is in violation of MCTC policies and procedures. As active partners, the verified participating high school and Mountwest Community & Technical College fully support and will participate in the dual enrollment program under the direction of Mountwest. Additionally, as a student and parent/guardian/mentor, we also agree to participate in the dual enrollment program as outlined in this MOU. Mountwest Community & Technical College agree to contribute to the dual enrollment program by providing: a.) The venue and target participants for the dual enrollment program b.) Parent/student/guardian/mentor orientation sessions c.) Credit bearing college course(s)
The Student listed above in the application section agrees to participate in the dual enrollment program by (all must be selected:(Required)
Student Signature(Required)
The Parent/Guardian/Mentor listed above agrees to participate in the dual enrollment program by (all must be selected):(Required)
Parent Signature(Required)

Information Technology Pathway
Network Systems Administration Concentration

Professionals in this field have day-to-day tasks such as installing/configuring servers, workstation computers, and printers, setting up user accounts and explaining to users how to log on and utilize the network, configuring software solutions for employees as they are needed, and finally, setting up virtualization and storage equipment to facilitate a company’s goals. Professional titles are often Server Administrator or System Administrator. Jobs in this area start around $35,000-$40,000 dollars based on certifications attained and experience in field.

Information Technology Pathway
Network Systems Security Concentration

Professionals in this field have day-to-day tasks such as installing/configuring servers, workstation computers, and printers, setting up user accounts and explaining to users how to log on and utilize the network, configuring software solutions for employees as they are needed, and finally, setting up virtualization and storage equipment to facilitate a company’s goals. Professional titles are often Server Administrator or System Administrator. Jobs in this area start around $35,000-$40,000 dollars based on certifications attained and experience in field.

Electronics Technology Pathway

Electronics Technician is a career that includes training which can apply to computers, appliances, communications systems, drones, radio-controlled devices, and all sorts of current, new, and upcoming technologies. This field has many opportunities including electronic repair, servicing, upgrades, maintenance, design, automation, and engineering. This pathway will lead students towards various degrees, including Advanced Automation, Biomedical Instrumentation, or Electronics Technology. The median pay for jobs in this field are $58,000 – $66,000. For the most current salary information, please refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics “Occupational Outlook Handbook” found online at bls.gov/ooh/.

General Studies & Transfer Studies Pathway

This program will allow high school students to take general education courses while in high school. In most cases, the students will receive high school credit as well as college credit. Upon high school graduation, the classes will count towards graduation at Mountwest and/or most colleges and universities. This unique opportunity makes it possible for a student to graduate in the same amount of time it would take to earn a Bachelor’s degree, with 2 degrees instead of one.

Information Technology Pathway
Network Systems Administration Concentration

Professionals in this field have day-to-day tasks such as installing/configuring servers, workstation computers, and printers, setting up user accounts and explaining to users how to log on and utilize the network, configuring software solutions for employees as they are needed, and finally, setting up virtualization and storage equipment to facilitate a company’s goals. Professional titles are often Server Administrator or System Administrator. Jobs in this area start around $35,000-$40,000 dollars based on certifications attained and experience in field.

MCTC Course Days Time Credit Hours County Credit Marshall Credit
ENL 1111
*Senior English
ENG 101
ENL 0951

COL 101

IT 2702

IT 120


1. Students who do not have a minimum of 18 on the ACT or 480 on the SAT for English will be required to take ENL 095 along with ENL 111.

2. IT 270 – This course prepares students to sit for the CompTIA A+ certification.

* Cabell County students will receive half senior english credit for ENL 111 & ENL 115 will count for the second half english credit. Wayne County students will receive whole senior english credit for ENL 111.

MCTC Course Days Time Credit Hours County Credit Marshall Credit
ENL 1111
*Senior English
ENG 101
ENL 0951

COL 101

IT 2702
IT 1313

1. Students who do not have a minimum of 18 on the ACT or 480 on the SAT for English will be required to take ENL 095 along with ENL 111.

2. IT 270 – This course prepares students to sit for the CompTIA A+ certification.

3. IT 131 – This course begins the preparation for students seeking Cisco CCNA

* Cabell County students will receive half senior english credit for ENL 111 & ENL 115 will count for the second half english credit. Wayne County students will receive whole senior english credit for ENL 111.


Information Technology Pathway
Network Systems Security Concentration

Professionals in this field have day-to-day tasks such as installing/configuring servers, workstation computers, and printers, setting up user accounts and explaining to users how to log on and utilize the network, configuring software solutions for employees as they are needed, and finally, setting up virtualization and storage equipment to facilitate a company’s goals. Professional titles are often Server Administrator or System Administrator. Jobs in this area start around $35,000-$40,000 dollars based on certifications attained and experience in field.

Electronics Technology Pathway

Electronics Technician is a career that includes training which can apply to computers, appliances, communications systems, drones, radio-controlled devices, and all sorts of current, new, and upcoming technologies. This field has many opportunities including electronic repair, servicing, upgrades, maintenance, design, automation, and engineering. This pathway will lead students towards various degrees, including Advanced Automation, Biomedical Instrumentation, or Electronics Technology. The median pay for jobs in this field are $58,000 – $66,000. For the most current salary information, please refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics “Occupational Outlook Handbook” found online at bls.gov/ooh/.

MCTC Course Days Time Credit Hours County Credit Marshall Credit

ENL 111

*Senior English
ENG 101

ENL 095


COL 101


IT 270


ELT 111

MCTC Course Course Name Days Time Credit Hours County Credit Marshall Credit
ENL 1111
Written Comm
*Senior English
ENG 101
ENL 0951
Dev. Writing

COL 101

New Student Seminar

COM 112

Oral Comm
CMM 103

COM 112

Oral Comm
CMM 103
MAT 120
AP Math2
Math Credit
MAT 121
MAT 144
App Algebra Expanded 3
Math Credit
MAT 102
SPAN 101
Intro Spanish I
Foreign Lang
SPN 101
PSYC 200
Gen Psychology
PSY 201

General Studies & Transfer Studies Pathway

This program will allow high school students to take general education courses while in high school. In most cases, the students will receive high school credit as well as college credit. Upon high school graduation, the classes will count towards graduation at Mountwest and/or most colleges and universities. This unique opportunity makes it possible for a student to graduate in the same amount of time it would take to earn a Bachelor’s degree, with 2 degrees instead of one.

1. Students who have 17 or below on the ACT or 479 or below on the SAT for English
will be required to take ENL 095 along with ENL 111.

2. MAT 120 requires a score of 19 or above on the ACT or 370 or above on the SAT

Want to learn more about this program?
Interested in learning more about this MCTC program? Fill out our form and send us a message and talk to our program coordinators.

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