Maritime Academy
The Mountwest Maritime Academy provides U.S. Coast Guard approved maritime training for entry-level deckhands. Start your new career today!
For class schedule dates and times please contact:
The Mountwest Maritime Academy provides U.S. Coast Guard approved maritime training for entry-level deckhands. Start your new career today!
For class schedule dates and times please contact:
Deckhand Training:
March 17-23, 2025
June 9-15, 2025
Steersman Western Rivers:
February 4-14, 2025
March 18-28, 2025
April 29-9, 2025
June 9-18, 2025
February 17-19, 2025
April 7-9, 2025
June 16-18, 2025
Sometimes life gives you unforeseen obstacles. MCTC is here to help you get on track and find the right career for you!
This seven-day course is designed to acquaint the prospective entry-level deckhand with the life on the river and to assist the deckhand in obtaining a job on a commercial towboat. Safety training and hands-on skills are emphasized.
Entry salaries for tank barge firefighting in the industry generally range from $23,00-35,000 dollars yearly.
This 10-day course prepares the experienced deckhand to obtain a license as a Steersman of Towing Vessels on Western Rivers from the U.S. Coast Guard. This is the first license on the path to becoming a Master of Towing Vessels. Classroom subjects include Deck Safety, General Deck and Environmental Subjects, Navigation, and Rules of the Road. Prerequisite: 18 months experience as a deckhand.
Entry salaries for Steersman firefighting in the industry generally range from $30,00 – $45,000 dollars yearly.
Upgrade salary depending on license held, salary can range to $100,000
This 40-hour course is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and is designed for the boatman (licensed or unlicensed) who will be transferring liquid dangerous cargoes in bulk. Prerequisite: The U.S. Coast Guard requires observation of a number of transfer of liquid dangerous cargoes prior to issuance of the endorsement. Also, Tank Barge Firefighting is required.
Entry salaries for Tankerman in the industry generally range from $30,000 – $45,000 yearly.
The Mountwest Maritime Academy offers a number of U.S. Coast Guard approved Radar Observer and Radar Observer Recertification courses for Western Rivers and Inland Waters. The cost varies depending on the nature of the course.
The Mountwest Maritime Academy offers a number of U.S. Coast Guard approved Radar Observer and Radar Observer Recertification courses for Western Rivers and Inland Waters. The cost varies depending on the nature of the course.
Towing vessel Increase in Scope which is a 4-day class or a 32-hr class and then you can do a radar upgrade this is a 8-hr course to get your license from Western Rivers to Inland
Standard First Aid CPR and AED – Adult
This is the BasicPlus CPR, AED, and First aid for adults in Standard First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Automated Electronic Defibrillators. This class also meets the First Aid requirements of Basics Safety Training under the STCW Code. MMA also offers Medic First Aid courses.
This is a U.S. Coast Guard approved comprehensive forty-hour course in the theory and practice of marine firefighting. The course includes both classroom instruction and hands-on training in the exterior and interior firefighting. This course is required for all candidates for an Engineering License and for all Deck Licenses over 200 tons. The course is also approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for international operations under the STCW code.
Entry salaries for basic and advanced firefighting in the industry depends on license held, but can exceed $100,000
This class is required by the U.S. Coast Guard prior to issuance of an endorsement as Tankerman- Person in Charge. The class familiarizes the prospective tankerman with the theory and science of firefighting and provides hands-on experience in extinguishing large fires.
Entry salaries for Tank Barge Firefighting in the industry generally range from $50,000 – $70,000 yearly.
This five-day class prepares the licensed towboat officer to expand the scope of their license from the limited Western Rivers route to the Inland Waters route. Navigation and Rules of the Road are stressed. Prerequisite: License as Master, Pilot, or Steersman (Apprentice Mate) of Towing Vessels on Western Rivers.
Entry salaries with upgrade training in the industry generally range from $70,000 dollars yearly.
This one-day Train the Trainer course is for the experienced mariner who desires to become certified as a Designated Examiner by the U.S. Coast Guard. A Designated Examiner certifies the competency of persons working in the maritime environment who are advancing their licenses or certifications.