The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the handling, maintaining, and keeping student records. These are some of the activities that the Office of the Registrar can do for you:
The Registrar is located in Student Services, on the first floor of our main campus building.
You can contact the registrar’s office at or at 304-710-3381.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”
– School officials with legitimate educational interest; Other schools to which a student is transferring;- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
– Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
– Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
– Accrediting organizations; – To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
– Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety- Emergencies;
– State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law.
Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.
For additional information or technical assistance, you may call (202) 260-3887 (voice). Individuals who use TDD may call the Federal Information Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Or you may contact us at the following address:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-5920
Liability Policy Mountwest Community & Technical College, as a state agency, cannot assume responsibility for loss of or damage to the personal property of students. Furthermore, the college cannot assume responsibility for personal injury to students.
Directory Information
The Family Education Rights and Privacy states that an educational institution may release without written consent those records identified as public or directory information for students who are currently enrolled provided that the institution informs the students of the categories defined as directory information and students are given an opportunity to refuse disclosure of any or all of the defined categories.
Mountwest Community & Technical College defines directory information as follows: name, address, email addresses, telephone numbers (permanent and campus), photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degree and honors and awards received and classification.
Requests to suppress disclosure of directory information can be sent to the Registrar’s office.
Degree Verifications can be processed by accessing our web provider at the National Student Clearinghouse Website. Please use the school operational identification number 040414. Enrollment Verifications can also be obtained this way.
Verifications will only be done through mail or in person requests if accompanying release forms or legal documents are supplied at the time of the request.
Is the policy of Mountwest Community and Technical College to not process Degree or Enrollment Verifications over the phone.
To register for courses, students must contact an advisor each semester. Appointments can be made via phone, Zoom, or in person.
To drop or withdraw from a course, you need to email or meet with an advisor for approval before the semester begins. After classes start, you will also need the faculty member’s signature to complete the withdrawal. Failing to follow these steps may delay the process.
Additionally, depending on your last date of recorded attendance, you may still be required to pay a percentage of the cost of the class after withdrawing.
Degree Works FAQs
These are general questions some pertain to advisor/faculty and some to students.
Q: What is Degree Works?
“Degree Works” is a computerized degree audit program and academic advising tool designed to assist students and advisors in reviewing degree progress. A Web-based program, Degree Works re-organizes transcripts chronologically and categorically, easily identifying courses that have been completed and what courses are still needed in order to fulfill degree requirements.
Q: What are the benefits of using Degree Works?
Degree Works will help students:
• Determine what requirements are need in order to complete a degree.
• View individual course grades and cumulative grade-point average (GPA).
• Determine which courses have to be taken or transferred, and which ones count as electives.
• View transfer credits, waivers, and exemptions applied toward degree.
• See how coursework could be applied toward another major or concentration using the What If option.
• Estimate how many semesters it will take to graduate.
• Learn the prerequisites and co-requisites for courses by clicking on the course number.
Q: Who can use Degree Works?
Advisors, faculty and students can use the system as an advising tool to better follow students’ progress and determine which requirements are still needed for graduation.
Q: How do I access Degree Works?
Log into myMCTC account from the Mountwest Community and Technical College home page.
Q: When can I use my Degree Works audit?
Use Degree Works Audit when:
1. Reviewing progress with an academic advisor.
2. Creating a list of questions to discuss with an advisor.
3. Identifying courses that need to be completed.
4. Selecting courses that meet degree requirements.
5. Determining a projected graduation date.
6. Choosing a major.
Q: Is Degree Works the same as a transcript?
No, Degree Works is an unofficial audit of coursework, as well as an outline of requirements still needed to complete a program of study.
Q: Can I register for classes in Degree Works?
No, Degree Works is a snapshot of courses in-progress, pre-registered, and in academic history. Registration and drop/add are still handled through already established procedures.
Q: Can I change a major through Degree Works?
No, contact a Student Success Counselor to change a major.
Q: Does the Degree Works audit show all courses even those transferred in?
Yes, all courses transferred in from other colleges, military credit and college equivalency credits should show on your degree audit.
Q: Why doesn’t all transfer work meet requirements?
There could be two reasons. First, the course doesn’t meet the requirements for a Mountwest CTC program of study. Second, all requirements have been met and this course is simply not needed.
Q: Why is Degree Works not displaying a correct major or concentration?
Degree Works will not display a major or concentration until it has been declared and the Registrar’s office has updated the Banner record.
Q: What is the What If feature?
The What If function allows students and advisors to hypothetically change a major or concentration. The What If audit will show what coursework is required for the new major or concentration, what courses have been taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still need to be taken. Please note: Transfer and course substitutions do not display in the What If feature.
Q: What if a Degree Works audit is incorrect?
Students will need to see their advisor immediately! While everything has been done to make sure that all worksheets are correct, it would have been impossible for us to predict every unique situation or problem. The Registrar’s office will work with you to correct any issues as soon as possible. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. These are the most common problems and solutions:
1. The major is wrong and /or the concentration doesn’t appear on the worksheet.
If this is the case, students need to contact their adviser and update their major and concentration information. Once the information is changed in Banner, the correct information should appear on the worksheet.
2. The requirements for a major are wrong.
Look at the catalog term that appears on each of the blue bars that separate the sections of the worksheet. This is the catalog year that we believe that the student is using to complete requirements. If the student is actually using newer requirements, contact a Student Success Counselor to update the catalog information. Once the changes are entered, the correct information will appear on the worksheet.
3. An advisor or department chair gave permission to substitute a course, but it’s not showing on the audit.
Talk to the advisor. Since departments approve students’ program substitutions, most changes related to your major have not been sent to the Registrar’s Office yet. The change will be made as soon as the Registrar’s Office receive permission to do so from your Academic Division Dean.
If none of these problems describes the situation, or if additional help is needed in identifying what’s wrong, contact the Registrar’s Office at or stop by our office. Because some issues will require some research and possibly some reprogramming, please understand that the issue may not be able to be corrected immediately. We do promise, though, that we will address it as quickly as possible and will contact the student by email as soon as the issue has been taken care of.
Q: The graduation application has been submitted, but Degree Works says that all requirements have not been completed.
First, don’t panic! If everything that advisor has instructed the student to do have been done, you should still be on track for graduation. Contact the Advisor or Academic Success Counselor immediately.
Q: Are there requirements for graduation that Degree Works doesn’t check?
While Degree Works has been designed to check almost everything that must be complete to qualify for graduation, there may be additional requirements for specific programs that must be completed as well. Use Degree Works in conjunction with the College Catalog and with information that advisors provide to ensure that you remain on track for graduation. If you have questions about any additional requirement for your degree, talk with your advisor.
Q: Is a student automatically graduated if everything is complete on my Degree Works worksheet?
No. To graduate, students must submit an application for graduation. The Registrar’s Office will verify all degree requirements and if successfully completed the degree will be posted.
Q: How often is the data updated in Degree Works?
Degree Works data is refreshed nightly. Any modifications made to student data in Banner (i.e. registration, change of major, change of grades, etc.) will be reflected in Degree Works within 24-48 hours.
Q: What does the Cumulative Calculator show?
The Cumulative Calculator option on the GPA Calc tab will show what average is needed in the remaining credits to graduate with a desired GPA.
Q: What does the Desired GPA Calculator show?
The Desired GPA Calculator option on the GPA Calc tab will show various credit and grade scenarios in order for students to achieve a desired cumulative GPA.
Q: Is the calculated GPA guaranteed?
No. This is an estimate only!
Q: I currently keep my own notes on my advisees. What are the benefits of switching to this new system?
With Advising Notes, any notes entered become a part of a student’s record, and any faculty or administrative staff member who has access to Degree Works can view these notes. This allows any individual working with a student to have a more complete understanding of the student’s advising history. It will help staff and administration to work together to hold students accountable for following through on advice that is given. In addition, because Degree Works is a secure, web-based product therefore advising notes are easily accessed from any internet connection.
Q: Will student be able to see all the notes that are entered?
If you click the “Not Available to Student” box that appears over the note entry box, students will not be able to see the note. If you do not check this box, students will see your note at the end of his or her worksheet. There may be times when splitting note entry into two parts is advisable. Any faculty or administrative staff member with access to Degree Works will be able to view all the notes on the student’s record.
Q: I often have advising discussions with students who aren’t my assigned advisees. Can I add notes to any student’s record?
Yes, and we encourage you to do so.
Q: Where can I get more information about how to use Degree Works?
If you have questions after reviewing Degree Works, students should see an Academic Advisor or Student Success Counselor. Faculty, staff and administrators please contact the Registrar’s Office.
To order your transcript from Mountwest, you can either come into our Student Services Department and fill out a transcript request form, or go online to our web provider The National Student Clearinghouse Website (
In person transcripts can only be mailed, and costs 8$. Payment must be made to the cashier’s office before the transcript request form is submitted.
Online transcripts can be sent either in the mail or electronically. This method costs 11$, but if choosing electronic, will be processed automatically within up to 2 hours after ordering. If your transcript does not reach your recipient within 2 hours, please contact us at 304-710-3381 or at for further assistance.
Dual Credit
If a student meets the following requirements and a Mountwest Community & Technical College course is offered at his or her high school, he or she may earn college credit while in high school:
Early admission students are not eligible for financial aid.
Other Information
Please follow these instructions when using the Dual Credit Enrollment Forms:
If you need further information, please contact the Mountwest Registrar’s office at: 304-710-3380 or
To apply for graduation, students must:
Cap and gown pickups are available for purchase here.
Mountwest observes one formal Commencement Exercise with three graduation dates during an academic year. The official graduation dates are:
Students will not be graduated on any dates other than those noted above. Students who are graduated at the end of the summer term or at the end of the fall term of an academic year are invited and highly encouraged to participate in the Spring Commencement Exercises. A graduation commencement ceremony is held in May for students completing their programs during the academic year. Each year, as the date of graduation commencement ceremony approaches, the College notifies students via their MCTC email account of details related to the ceremony.
Degrees/diplomas/certificates are conferred by the college president to the graduates of Mountwest Community & Technical College under the authority of the Institutional Board of Governors and the Community & Technical College System of West Virginia. Diplomas are ready four to six weeks after the graduation date. Diplomas are for display purposes and are rarely accepted by employers as proof of credential. Official transcripts and degree verifications are issued through the National Student Clearinghouse as MCTC’s approved method of providing proof of credentials.
To be eligible to graduate from Mountwest, students must apply for graduation at the beginning of the semester, or term, in which they intend to complete graduation requirements, which include the following:
The due dates for each graduation are listed on the Academic Calendar.
You can view the academic calendar by clicking here.
To view current Tuition and Fees information, go here.
View current exam schedules here.